doTerra Compensation Plan

doTERRA’s Compensation Plan is easy to follow with 5 main parts — including multiple pools.

We applaud them for spelling it out in great detail in the Compensation Plan section of their Policy Manual.

As we usually do in compensation breakdowns, InFirstMarketing groups the plans a little differently than doTERRA- see InFirstMarketing methodology for analyzing MLM compensation plans to learn more about how we standardize these groupings.

doTERAA Uni-level Bonus

The Uni-level Bonus is exactly what you think of for Network Marketing compensation, and is where you should focus your efforst. It is much easier to understand in the grid below.

doTERRA pays this bonus monthly on the volume of a Wellness Advocate’s (WA) organization and the bonus is available up to 7 levels deep- depending on the advocate’s rank.

doTERRA’s Uni-level Bonus starts at 1 level for a consultant and goes down to 7 levels by the time you each Silver.

Each level’s bonus percentage remains the same and does not change with the Wellness Advocate’s rank (ie Level 1 is always 2%, Level 4 is always 5%). The percentage does increase the further you go down the levels.

Uni-level Frequently Asked Questions

How does Compression Work?

The Uni-level Bonus benefits from compression. This means if a Wellness Advocate does not qualify for the Uni-level bonus, their sponsor will receive it instead. The purpose of this is to reward effort of those doTERRA Wellness Advocates that continue to provide leadership.

doTERRA Retail Bonus

It’s simple — 25%. Orders placed by customers will earn a 25% commission for the Wellness Advocate.

Business Launch Bonuses

This is the category focused on getting new Wellness Advocates to focus on launching their business. Launching right can make all the different in seeing success.

At doTERRA, this is only 1 bonus in this category.

doTERRA Fast Start Bonus

Fast Start Bonus is paid the first 60 days of a WA’s enrollment and it is designed to achieve momentum quick.

The new WA receives a 20% commission on all new Wellness Advocate and wholesale customers enrolled and a 10% commission on advocates they enroll. There is a 5% bonus at level 3.

Te receive this, the WA needs to have LRP or “Loyalty Reward Program” set to at least 100 personal volume.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does Fast Start roll-up – and the answer is no. If an advocate doesn’t qualify for the 20, 10 or 5 percent, the bonus isn’t given to one of their sponsors. As you can see – it does not take a lot to qualify.
  • Is there also a Uni-level bonus paid on these orders? The answer is also no.

InfirstMarketing considers the Uni-level bonus to be the main part of the doTerra’s compensation where you should focus your efforts, but the Fast Start is essentially incentivizing the same structure, it is just giving some bigger commissions while the wellness advocate is growing their business.

Business Leadership

The bonuses and pool of the business leadership section keep your business gliding once it is up and running.

Power of Three Bonus


This bonus is paid to doTERRRA Wellness Consultants in increments of $50, $250, and $1,500.

All of these tiers require a qualifying LRP order.

The Power of Three Bonus helps Wellness Advocates establish an organization with multiple levels while encouraging everyone provide leadership at all levels.

$50 Bonus

Qualification is pretty simple, the main requirement is to have 3 sponsored Wellness Advocate or Wholesale Customers with Qualified LRP Orders.

In addition to the LRP order already mentioned, 600 in Team Volume is needed.

$250 Bonus

After qualifying for the $50 bonus, the Wellness Advocate qualifies for the $250 bonus when 3 sponsored WAs qualify for the $50 bonus.

$1,500 Bonus

Once a Wellness Advocate qualifies for the $250 bonus, they can can qualify for the $1,500 bonus if 3 sponsored Wellness Advocates / Wholesale Customers qualify for the $250 bonus.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you earn the Power of 3 Bonus are than once?
Yes, after earning the $1,500 bonus, a Wellness Advocate is allowed to earn on unlimited Power of Three Structures.

This requires new participants to build complete new structures– none of the activity in the original structures will contribute to the 2nd structure.

doTERRA Leadership Pools

doTerra’s Leadership Pools allow Wellness Advocates that have achieved certain ranks to earn a percentage of doTERRA’s global commissionable volume.

doTERRA’s Leadership Pools give Wellness Advocates that have achieved specific ranks shares of a percentage of doTERRA’s global commissionable volume (GCV).

There are 6 pools in total; each is assigned a percentage of the global volume. Higher ranks are given more shares and then the amount the pool earns is divided amongst the different shares.

Leadership Performance Pool

This pool is assigned 2% of the global commissionable volume. A Silver earns 1 share, Gold earns 5 shares, and Platinum earns 10 shares.

1 additional share is earned for the month when a personally sponsored Wellness Advocate achieves an Elite ranks for the first time. Unlimited additional shares can be earned.

Diamond Performance Pool

Similar to the Leadership Pool except it resets at 1% of the GCV.

1% may seem like less, but there are fewer participants in the Diamond Pool which makes the reward higher than the Leadership Pool.

Each Diamond Rank receives 1 share, Blue Diamond – 2 Shares, and Presidential Diamond 3 shares.

1 additional share in the Diamond Performance Pool is earned for the month when a personally sponsored advocate achieves rank of Premier for the first time. Unlimited additional shares can be earned each month.

Empowerment Pool

This pool helps the higher ranks continue to grow their business by sponsoring new wholesale members.

This pool receives 1.25% of GCV.

A Silver or Premier can earn up to 1 share a month and a Gold can earn 2 shares.

1 share is earned for sponsoring a wholesale member with 100 PV.

There are no additional shares in the Empowerment Pool.

Diamond Pool

Receives 1% of GCV. Any Diamond ranked Wellness Advocates gets 3 shares of this pool and earns an additional shares when personally sponsored advocates achieves the rank of Premier for the first time. Unlimited additional shares can be earned each month.

Blue Diamond Pool

Receives 1% of GCV and each Blue Diamond receives 3 shares of this pool. Additional shares are earned when personally sponsored advocates achieves the rank of Premier for the first time. Unlimited additional shares can be earned each month.

Presidential Diamond Pool

Receives 1% of GCV and each Presidential Diamond receives 3 shares of this pool. Additional shares are earned when personally sponsored advocates achieves the rank of Silver for the first time. Unlimited additional shares can be earned each month.

doTERRRA Compensation Summary

Reading through and experiencing the doTERRA compensation plan in real life provides a vision of success and fulfillment. The compensation plan breaks down very simply. There are only a few parts to keep track of: retail, launching, leading, and finally the leadership pools.

YMM is a term often used in tech and advice — it means Your Mileage May Vary. It is important to remember everyone will have a different experience with doTERRA. Sustained business success always takes work, and there are no guarantees with doTERRA.

We wouldn’t have it any other way.

If you have any questions about doTERRA, Network Marketing, or any other business principle. Reachout to us on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.

For tools to make managing you doTERRA business easier — checkout the offerings at