Rodan+Fields, LLC‘s compensation is a fairly typical unitary plan, but they present in a manner that’s more confusing than it needs to be.
There’s nothing wrong with that though; after you experience a couple months of commissions, you’ll have a firm understanding of how this plan works. ALSO, that’s why we’re here — to breakdown the confusing parts of compensation plans into easily understandable pieces.
Main Compensation Focus
These are the parts of the compensation plan that InFirstMarketing recommends you focus on. The main focus should efficiently guide you in building your business.
Generation Commissions
“It’s at the Generation Break Away that the Unilevel Compensation plan emerges. This is the main part of the compensation InFirstMarekting recommends focusing here, but Consultants don’t participate in it until a few ranks advancements have taken place.
There is a 5% commission on 5 on the Personal Team Volume up to 5 generations– starting at Level 1 Consultant.
Level 2 Executive ranks has access to commissions on 2 generations. Level 3 – 3 generations. Level 4 – 4 generations. And Level 5 Executive and higher receive this commission on 5 generations.”
Retail Profit
This is your basic wholesale strategy.
For retail customers, R+F Consultants earn the profits on the difference between the retail price and consultant price.
For Preferred Customers, R+F Consultants earn the profits on the difference between the Preferred Customer price and the Consultant Price.
Business Launch
Consultant Commissions
Consultant commissions are a 10% commission on the Commissionable Volume of your Level 1.
A Consultant’s Level 1 consists of their personally sponsored Consultants and Preferred Customers that have been signed up.
Qualification does requires 100 Sales Volume (SV).
Business Leadership
Personal Team Commissions
This is a 5% commission on the Commissionable Volume of you Personal Team’s Consultants and Customers.
Consultants start earning this commission after achieving the Rodan + Field’s Executive Consultant rank.
Rodan + Fields Compensation Plan provides a couple of different ways to earn money and is easily understood once a Consultant grasps how a generation break-away works.
While the Compensation Plan is inspiring, it is important to note that all Consultants pursuing a Rodan + Fields based business are going to have different results. InFirstMarketing does not guarantee any results and encourage all who are evaluating a Rodan + Fields business to do excessive due diligence.